The BSPA are licensed by DEFRA to issue passports for any equine resident in the UK. However, the BSPA will not knowingly issue passports for pure bred animals eligible for their own breed society studbook passports. Those equines should approach the studbook for their breed.
Since leaving the EU and the UK having a “third country listing” we cannot extend that service to EU residents anymore.
BSPA passports are available as follows: –
- BSPA Studbook Passport – for all “ponies who are Skewbald or Piebald or any coat colour pattern allowing them to register with us. AND all BSPA Graded Stallions and Mares, and / or their offspring. Including the whole-coloured offspring of BSPA Graded Stallions & Mares.
- Registered Horse Passport – for any horse or pony Skewbald/Piebald as above) who have a documented pedigree, but are not necessarily by a BSPA Graded Stallion or out of a BSPA Graded /Registered Mare.
- I D only, (Breeding & Production) -Available to any colour of horse or pony who are not eligible for any Studbook listing or documented pedigree from another UK Passport Issuing Organisation (PIO). OR a Skewbald / Piebald with no known breeding or documented pedigree.
- Any Mare of undocumented pedigree who foals whilst listed in our database will be designated as a Foundation Mare and recorded in our appendix register (Register 4). Her offspring will be recorded as a foundation equine until such time as they or she Grades with BSPA and achieve Studbook status. They can then be issued with a Studbook Passport.
- The BSPA Over stamp another Bred Society or an Identity only (ID) Passport for the purposes of Affiliated Showing or Breeding (Grading).
- Since Brexit we also over stamp EU Passports for Equines domiciled (resident) in the UK. These equines are not however “Registered” as per above and are not eligible for entry into the BSPA Studbook or Breeding Register.
- All BSPA Graded Stallions & Mares are entered into our Studbook as part of the process. Stallions are able to issue BSPA Covering Certificates and show in all BSPA & Affiliated shows. BSPA Membership required to fulfil this function.
- All equines registered with BSPA via over stamping are eligible to Show at any BSPA or Affiliated County. Agricultural or other Affiliated Show.
BSPA Membership required to fulfil this function.
• BSPA Studbook Passport – £45 including Zootechnical Breeding Certificate (EU) and
4- Generation Pedigree sheet as appropriate.
• BSPA Registered Horse Passport – £39 including Zootechnical Breeding Certificate (EU) and
4- Generation Pedigree sheet as appropriate.
• I D only (Breeding & Production) – £30. No Breeding Prefix allowed
• First duplicate – £50 (£25 refunded if the original and the duplicate documents are returned to the BSPA)
• Second duplicate – £100 (£50 refunded if the original and the duplicate documents are returned to the BSPA
Passport Regulations effective 1st Jan 2016 Defra Link